Saturday, February 17, 2007

Miss Chan:

sry that there's not much of samantha's things in this video as i cant retrieve them... heh..but she played a part in this video...and sorry for the messiness of my blog... luv aLiNa =)

--------------aLiNa was here @11:48 PM

Sunday, December 31, 2006

--------------aLiNa was here @11:28 PM

Tuesday, December 12, 2006



--------------aLiNa was here @11:07 PM

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

1)s ur current phone' brand?
- Nokia 66800

2) What are the last 3 digits of your mobile number?
- 887

3) What does the 7th message in your inbox say?
- Hey dear sorry change of location.. Lets meet at park way taxi stand instead ok? One thirty… Not the one after park way..

4) Who is the first person in ur phone's contact list who comes under the letter S?
- Sharon

5)who was the last person you rang?
- Samantha

6)Who was your last missed call from?
- Samantha

7) Who was the 2nd person who comes up under D?
- Darell

8)What does the oldest message in your inbox say?
- Alina,im going 2 the chalet with mrs lim and mr pang. I meet them at 4.30pm in front of mcdonald’s at siglap ctr… Can u bring us there at dat time?

9)Who comes up under J?
-Janell Jazreel Jennifer Jennifer Lim Jeslin Mun jeslyn Mobile Jessica Jia Yan Jimmy Gian Jo jo Joanna Josephine June Loh

10) Go to your Sent Items on hotmail- what does the 10th message say?
- none?!! Hotmail says "Messages more than 30 days old will be automatically deleted from this folder."

11) Who is the 4th person who comes up under M?
- Mak Cheuy Ling

12) Who is your network provider?
- Singtel

13) How many messages are currently in your inbox?

14) What do you have as your background?
- pic of mrs ng, me and ms yap at east coast park

15) Who is the 2nd person who comes up under R?

16) Who do you have on speed dial 3?
- Samantha’s hp

17) If you are on Pay as you Go, how much credit do you have
HUH?!! what's that again?!!

18) Who is the first person who comes up under C?
- Camelia

19) How many bars of signal do you currently have?
- 6

20) What do you have as your main ringtone?-
Elmo Song

21) What are you busy with currently?
-Nothing Much

22)Do you like little kids?
-YES! Me and little kids “hen you yuan”

22) How many keychains do you have on your handphone?

23) What's the brand of ur computer/ laptop?
-using my tv screen as a computer. Philips.

24) Name some of your ambitions
-None actually. Maybe an IT person cos mrs ng always say I have potential in IT. So must go and develop it.

25) What is one topic that will never get you running out of steam?
-My Life?

--------------aLiNa was here @12:55 PM

Friday, November 24, 2006

I'm back! after exactly three weeks of not blogging. well, i was busy as you lets start.
6th nov
went sch to appeal.. asked for letter from Y and lim together with amelia,saya and yiusi.
not successful so left and met nadine at pp... went her hse do renaissance project.

7th Nov
went back sch in the morn for co meeting and to make seniors gifts. halfway through ng called me to calle M before she left for lunch.. called M and she pulled me into the staffroom. help her typed the comments of the parents/guardians survey and end up doing it until 1.35pm when my co is actually at 2.. quickly went for lunch.. come back.. F say we can stay donwstairs for awhile... so stayed.. then went to take measurements for my co uniform...then co practice in the needlework room...

8th Nov
went sam's hse at 8am.. then left for her aunt's shop... have breakfast b4 that.. then started our job attachment there at 1.30pm.. cos went up to my mum's ex-office to visit ppl... then when her aunt reached the shop at 11am.. she puleed us out to follow her for branch... then come back do little bit of sorting then go have our lunch...then do client code whole day and then left at 5pm.. sam's dad fetched me back my hse.. then i quickly change and eat alittle then went for tennis...reg 1st time play tennis arm super pain...haha...then stay her hse and eat.

9th Nov
CO meeting at cheryl's hse.... from abt alot of things and her big dog bit my converse shoe...and there was fur all ard the hse...

10th Nov
job attachment again.. this time reg came with us... super tired.. cos do client code for the whole day..lunched with daphne the marketing director there...

11th Nov
CIP at tiong bahru CC... kids there were cute...

13th-17th Nov..
Dunman High Camp!!!! can only use the 5 supers to describe it
Super Fun
Super Nice
Super Tired
Super Friendly
Super Sad

met alot new ppl and we actually practice from 8-5.30pm everyday..super intensive too...

18th Nov
sam's hse for tennis... but got miscommunication... so dont have tennis.. instead we went play badminton.. then go CIP at tiong Bahru CC...

19th Nov
Dunman High Camp perfromance at VCH..
super fun and now we form the 11 girls band:
tania valentia yin ai yuan zhen jiayi cheryl meng die shiwee valerie liu lao shi and me!!

--------------aLiNa was here @2:27 PM

Instructions:Name thirteen people who come straight to your mind. Do not cheat or read the questions underneath first. Answer the questions.After that tag 6 people to do the same.
7)andrea yap
9)grace cheah
1.How did you meet 10?
2.What would you do if you had never meet 1?
I would be super sad! the memories between us were great!
3. What will you do if 6 and 2 dated?
No they wont. they are straight! but they do seems very close during chinese lessons so that might be possible.
4.Have you seen 4 cried?
Yes i think so.
5.Do you think 10 is cute?
No. she is more than cute. pretty and nice and kind and.....
6. How did you get to know 8?
through "SK" as well as school
7. Would you ever go on a date with number 12?
No..she is mean to always call me kaypoh-ji..haha..just joking..she is nice!
8. What is number 7's favourite color?
erm..i dont know.
9. What would you do if 6 confessed he/she loves you?
that will never happen!
10. State a fact about 9?
she's a good councillor who is skinny! eat more!
11. Who is 4 going out with?
shehnam and sandra.. haha.. joking only. she is not going out with anyone
12. Who is number 5 to you?
she's my private tutor! no lah. my good classmate.
13. Will you ever live with 13?
14. Is 2 single?
yes. but her mind ran away with superband's soul already.
15. What do you think abt 3?
she is a good friend but her leg is not.
16. What is the best thing abt number 8?
always being there to console me when i am sad. can go be a counsellor already.
17. What do you like abt 11?
her background info and her appearance and her character and the list goes on. i just like her on the whole actually.
18. Favourite memory with 6?
always talking about boys when sitting beside me in class

The six people you want to do this quiz:
grace cheah

--------------aLiNa was here @2:02 PM

Friday, November 03, 2006

i got into 304... sad lah...budden nvm.. going to appeal... now at reggie's hse hogging computer and helping her type and print things for her renaissance proj which sam calls it renasobee... haha...

--------------aLiNa was here @2:07 PM

Thursday, November 02, 2006

today is exactly 1 week after school ended and tmw we will al be getting our streaming results and 203 will no longer exist from tmw onwards because all of us will be in different classes. for the past week, the memories that we had for the past 2 years triggered me to feel like crying as I uploaded the video, told every other 203ian who came online to download the video, check out class photobucket and arranging my photos. the past 2 years was really great. It still seems like yesterday that we came into KC. I still remb i use to hate the class in sec1 esp shehnam's grp of ppl and and always remembered what happen on the last day of sch... but as I came to sec2,all of you was much nicer and more united... i began to like the class, and when we had a change of FTs, i liked the class even more...and now that the journey together has ended, the memories linger in my mind..i hope as the journey of 203 '06 ends, a new journey will begin for all of us... and I'll definitely miss the times together

I'll miss the times when we sayed back late to prepare for events and festivals.
I'll miss the times when we gossipped about a particular teacher.
I'll miss the times when we practiced the poem that sophie wrote so hard for BMW.
I'll miss the cheerleading performance that the 12 203 cheerleaders had performed.
I'll miss the class outing that we had.
I'll miss Aisyah for being such a good chairperson and always letting me lock the classroom and returning class key.
I'll miss Amanda for helping me with my maths.
I'll miss Amelia for helping me with science.
I'll miss Ariel for always getting more time to do her exams paper.
I'll miss Avelyn for always leading me in all the project works we had done and being such a good chairperson last year.
I'll miss Su ming for being the kiasu one and always going to parkway and end up being late for CO.
I'll miss Jessica for always being the photographer of the class.
I'll miss Denise for being one of the smart people in the class and being a good secretary.
I'll miss Florencia for always helping me with my chinese in Sec 1.
I'll miss Gabby for always being blur and her talent in literature.
I'll miss Genevieve for being quiet in class.
I'll miss Grace Cheah for being my good testi partner.
I'll miss Gurneet for always being absent from school.
I'll miss Hazel for always being the last one to sign our chinese results.
I'll miss Jolene for talking so much and argue for the whole of science lesson just to get 1 more mark.
I'll miss Kelly-anne for making me do her target planningand being so good at art.
I'll miss Ji En for always lending me her Pipa and always be the 1st one to leave class with su ming.
I'll miss Ka Ying for always sitting beside me talking about boys esp "jie ping" and always using hp or playing tamaguchi during lessons time.
I'll miss Terena for being a good treasurer.
I'll miss Michelle for always calling me alina mak.
I'll miss Lydia for always making collages for the class.
I'll miss Melissa for being the class treasurer.
I'll miss Nadine for always calling me Kaypoh-ji.
I'll miss Natasha for being a playful prefect like me.
I'll miss Kelly Ng for being a left-handed like me.
I'll miss Nabila for being a good eng rep.
I'll miss Elaine for loving anime.
I'll miss Pattra for being miss thailand(quoted from miss shekhu)
I'll miss Sandra for always beating me in chinese class by 1 or 2 marks.
I'll miss Shehnam for always annoying me and talking about mr lee and being such a horny person.
I'll miss Sherilyn for loving cat so much and borrowing money from me and the list goes on.
I'll miss Grace Song for always drawing manga.
I'll miss Tingyi for being the bad one in class.
I'll miss Sophie for her chipmunks and scary stories and being my private tutor.
I'll miss Syaza for being the funny one in class.
I'll miss Alicia for loving Simple Plan.
I'll miss Xinning for always shouting at the class to keep quiet and saying that I am annoying in sec1 but nice in sec2.
I'll miss Suzanne a.k.a suazanne a.k.a susan for being another smart person in the class.
I'll miss Zi Xuan for being so quiet and blur in class.

--------------aLiNa was here @8:57 PM

Monday, October 30, 2006

A video of class 203... a class that bonded, united and succeeded.. Even when 2006 ends, we will still be there... 203'06 forever

--------------aLiNa was here @2:46 PM

Sunday, October 29, 2006


blogger's down with probs here's a summary of what i did since friday to yesterday

woke up at 9+ then use comp, take breakfast.. then sam called at 12... saying that i can go her hse to swim later.. so ate lunch then shower all that stuff... at 1.50pm.. my dad came and fetch me there and it started raining so cant swim... then waited outside function room for them to finish debate...then finish oredi, all of them went busstop then left me ningrong and Y. then ningrong came out. asking for coins.. so exchanged with her the she ask me go vending machine with her... so went.. then when we was on the way bk.. sms-ed sombody then ningrong saw the wallpaper.. then she was lyk whose that E, you and? i was lyk Y lah.. the she say let her c.. so let her take my phone.. then she refuse to return after that... using it to hit her can drink.. stupid 1st she ask me go inside the room.. budden dun wan.. cos i so odd one out. all debaters there except me.. budden no choice.. had to go in to get my phone... in the end, Y helped me take bk my phone...then the three of us sat there and talk.. ningrong was being stupid asking lame qns... cos i ask Y, are you sad.. then she was lyk of course.. budden ningrong said...u liar lah.. sad still can smile.. so i oso said u sure anot, u sad still can smile... she was lyk.. so what if i am sad, i still have to leave right..leave as in leave the class... budden ningrong doesnt get it.. she asked her.. hah? why you leaving the school? dumb right... haha. no offence.. then sam and surin came bk... so Y ask whether still want the chicken, clean up...thensam and surin carried some things upstairs...then Y was lyk leaving oredi.. so she ask where's the busstop, so offered to bring her out.. at 1st she dun wan.. cos she say who is going to look after surin's bag.. then(at least) ningrong became smart.. say i will look after the bags then u can bring Y to the busstop.. so lead her out.. at 1st din say anything until when going to go down the stairs that time then i asked " so how do u want our class after being with us for like 4mths?'" at 1st she asked me, as what how do i find.. b4 i could say anything, she replied, ok lah.. a very good class.... so i asked again" u sure u wont change ur mind when u c a new class nxt yr?" and she replied no... you all are very good lah. no need my help can do things well...then reach the entrance oredi.. so cant ask anymore and i dun intend to ask cos too touched until almost cry oredi.. so jus said.. remb to visit photobucket.. din expect a reply.. but well.. she said oh what's the pswrd again issit ******* ? so i was lyk yup. then went bk function room budden ningrong wasnt there.. then they came down function room.. so started playing badminton.. ningrong kips hitting me so i locked her out of the room when she went to the toilet.. and she came in hitting me...had a fight.. and she took my shoe and throw it into the drain...then finish oredi, went up, change and went swimming.... then dry ourselves and went vending machine...then talk for awhile.. surin and ningrong went home.. me and sam went bk upstairs.. use comp, scanner,bath and went for dinner wif my family...

--------------aLiNa was here @11:16 PM

A video of class 203... a class that bonded, united and succeeded.. Even when 2006 ends, we will still be there... 203'06 forever

--------------aLiNa was here @2:47 PM

the video is up!!

click on link to watch or download the video

--------------aLiNa was here @1:35 PM

Thursday, October 26, 2006

today last day of school....sad...class was watching charlie and the chocolate factory budden was busy doing cards for ppl...then after recess,chinese class watch march of the penguins budden not interested so hopped ard taking pics.....then mrs ooi came.. gave us sudoko...then at 12.20nn... Y came in... then start cleaning.. i cleaned the comp and OHP...and teachers' table....then at 12.35pm,E came in... then started to watch the class farewell video that i made at 12.40pm..touching.. cried halfway... really touched... to 203ians: wan to know what are the reasons for my song choice for the video? firstly, my heart will go on signifies when we first step into sec sch, we still think of our pri sch friends...but we will still go on..thus, i chose my heart will go on... and it oso suits the starting of the video: a day at the beach...suppose to be happy one... then vincent or as E calls it, starry starry is becos we still think of our pri sch at night when we look at stars.... next, what I've been looking for... signifies what we are all looking for as a class: the bond, the unity. and between this song and the next song, friends forever is where we found what we wanted...Friends forever represents today, the last day of sch..where friends forever or 203 forever are mentioned many times... finally, last song, start of something new.. it means that even though we are spilting class, although it is a sad wan... it is also the start of something new... where we all have many challenges ahead of us...well.. after finish watching.. exactly 1pm.. an sophie and Y have to go.. budden wanted to take class pics so they stayed for us...and took a few...then bell rang... so everybody left.. then left me, aisyah,avelyn and E...then aisyah and avelyn went out for left me and E..and she told me... the video gives the class a warmth feeling and like a family lyk touched that i cried again..then went down wif my stack of bks..then met reggie.. so went to get the eagles form down.. took a veri long time.. from 1.30 to 2.45?? on the way took pic wif "N" jiex...then E wrote remarks for me cos Y nv write for me....then went canteen.. wrote a card for "N" jiex... then went to change then went up to upper staff room.. so coincidence to c "N" jiex pass her the card.. and i refuse to let go.. i said:" make sure u read this after i go... and dun make any comments".. then she was lyk okay.. so continued.. dun read when i go out of this door.. mus be i go downstairs oredi then u read.. so she replied:" ok, run" haha so let go of the letter and ran downstairs...then met queenie gresilda and melissa, so waited for awhile and went joey's hse then ecp for co meeting...then rain.. so go bk ecp macs.. then went bk to sch.. cos need to return locker key..yup.. then left and came bk home...uploaded pics.. and created the slideshows from love.. going upload video soon... so wait for it!!.


--------------aLiNa was here @11:04 PM

Friday, October 20, 2006

blogged..haha...update soon

--------------aLiNa was here @9:07 PM

Sunday, October 15, 2006

din really blog... so here's the list of events of my whole week from mon..
MON: went school though there wasnt any exams at 8.30am... went to do art wif reggie and sam..we used 203 classroom... n i was doin art and using class comp at the same time... n knowing sam's blog got probs, i offered to help... n i cant believe that i actually fix it... n they started calling me geno then gena then genius....spent an hour doing her blog..then continue doing art until 5.20pm... wanted to go at 5.30pm i din want to meet any teachers who was in a meeting.. n i thought it ends at 6pm.. but they end at 5.15pm.. so quickly pack up and left hoping not to c anyone of them or they will start asking mt why i in sch.. so reggie and sam stayed on n the moment i went out of sch...saw Y.. and she started asking me art and so paiseh to show her the drawing of her and me in the foto... then she ask me y 2 girls still in sch.. so talk for lyk 10mins....then her car came so left for home.. then my dad came to the bus-stop to fetch me...
TUES: went back to sch again at 8am to do art then for oral then do art again wif reggie and sam....almost finish and left at 4.30pm...left 4 color sketches and rationale.
Weds: went back at 8.30am again.. to finish up art... rush lyk mad... finish up all my rationale and color sketches... then went up..forgotten that i had the class key n was the last one to go up... cos had alot of things. a plastic bag of presents from durian and calista.. and another plastic bag for my art materials.. then got my art... finish oredi then go home...
Thurs: woke up at 10am... aisyah called while i was slping so call back.... she last min ask me help her print things.... so quickly on comp then get the file from her and print... n after pringting it was10.30am oredi... so quickly go bath.. 15mins... then 10.45 pack my bag.. and took a bite of ham,egg and cheese sandwich...the rest i pack and take it wif me... the left at 11am..haha.. not puntual i know.. then while waiting for lift, called aisyah to tell her i going to be 10mins late... then she say she oso.. lucky... then went out reach at11.10am...then i walk to the bus stop..the one outside sch... then sat there and read my bk while waiting for aisyah... waited until 11.30am when u called me to meet her at the busstop..the wan mus walk out one... then walk there... collected the things and walk back in...on the way, sms N jiex to come down to collect the things... then asked her to help me return class key as well.. then u asked me whether got ariane's hp no. then i heard ariel's no. so tried to find but dun have... then i offered to help ask classmates..then she was lyk ok ask the 205 ppl..i was lyk huh? i thought u say ariel...haha...dumb lah...

--------------aLiNa was here @10:18 PM

Monday, October 09, 2006

finally!!! exams are nearly over... 2moro have chinese oral and weds have art and that's it!!!! anyways, celebrated my b'dae at NSRCC bungalow.... on fri and sat.. had bbq.... fri is for my mum's colleagues, neighbours and friends..... and my god-aunt came.. budden veri late... and on sat, which is the actual day of my b'dae.. was for my fren's budden only 5 came.. cos some still got exams and some cant come cos of the haze...but still... we all had fun... first, me and avina started bbq-ing then sam, reggie, grace and her sis tracey came... then they add the food we bbq... which, i had put alot of butter while bbq-ing.. then we sang and sam keep singing ning xia... haha... then went bowling.. then went back to bungalow to cut cake.. then lighted sparkles and grace lighted 14 candles for me outside the bungalow..thanks grace!!! then they left one by one.. then went in... and sang qi li xiang solo for my aunts....then yong qi wif my 3rd aunt.... yup.. then they left at 12.30am.... so here are the fotos...

micaela,nicholas,amanda and me!!

me and cynthia jie... mum's ex-colleague

ppl eating.. hehe...

hoho...somebody using hp lehz...

somebody's talking secrets in the kitchen..hmm..let's check it out..nothing interesting..

me and aunty huay yeun...

lighting sparkles


legs.... whose??


4 leaf clover.... hehe.. arisha, me and cynthia jie.. and erm... dunno who.. haha..cos took alot of stars and 4 leaf clover pics...

matthew and I...

aunty alan, aunty lydia and aunty shirley eating... hehe

--------------aLiNa was here @10:11 PM

Saturday, September 30, 2006

today went back to help for the kcp carnival.... but to lazy to blog abt the whole thing in detail.. so..enjoy the pics and shall blog abt it like nxt weekend cos i need to mug real hard.. esp for geog.

mr meyer wif the loudhailer

mrs teo(bowling teacher) and I

mrs chan(p5-6 ft) and I

grace and I

our "workplace"

Xuemei and I

xuemei's fren(dunno her name), xuemei and me

mrs tan's chicken chop! nice only that the mushroom is spicy.

me, reg and wendy finished 2 plates of chicken chop.
and after eating and filled wif energy, i hopped ard taking pics wif the kcp teachers,,really missed them.

aunty angela(ms rabot's cousin) and me

mrs rozario(maths tutoring teacher) and I

ms long(p6 music teacher) and I

mrs loy and I... although she nv teach me b4, she was in-charge of me and my class ppl when we were in beijng
mdm tan(p1-2 chinese teacher) and I

jus look at reggie, jus look at her

grace's relative..dunno issit cousin or niece...

grace and I again

mrs lim and me

the things used to make hotdog buns

me and reggie trying to take pics of each other

mrs leong and I

liu lao shi(p3-4 chinese teacher) and I

me and reggie at one of the games stalls

me and reggie's favorite game stall.. flying saucer...

ms choo and I... shes the one who marked our reflections in beijing

mrs tan and me... din really smile....

my harry potter plaster that mrs leong gave me cos of my blisters... my shoe lah...

this huge balloon man was placed at the entrance of kcp's front gate

my student helper pin.... sunflower! hospice awareness week...

--------------aLiNa was here @8:35 PM

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

these are the rest of the pics i took in may

--------------aLiNa was here @4:38 PM

Monday, September 25, 2006

this are the bangkok pics i took in may

I look retarded...

looks like i am wearing huge earrings but... its just my collar...haha

--------------aLiNa was here @4:10 PM


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Thirteen going Fourteen
KC Prefect
KC Entrepreneur Club


<3 listening to music
<3 my sistas
<3 chatting wif my sistas
<3 green
<3 JJ Lin
<3 Adriano
<3 Khim
<3 Bee Kwee
<3 Yang Ce
<3 Noodles

Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
Last day of school 2006
Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
27th and 28th OCT 2006
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My Sistas
Ka ying
KC Friends
Su Rin
Michelle Chern
Melissa Gan
Amanda Choo
Celeste Kwan
Prefects and PSL
Anne Kwa
Cheryl Lek
Andrea Yew
Amanda Lee
Soek Khern
Wei Zhen
Zhi Yang
Yang Ce
Gillian Sng
Shi Yu
Samantha Wong
Shu Hua
Li Ting
Gillian Gan

  • April 2006

  • June 2006

  • September 2006

  • October 2006

  • November 2006

  • December 2006

  • February 2007


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